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Dr.Usha Batra

Dean, Corporate Relations and Engagement, Chairperson, Skill Depaftment of CS & IT
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Sh. Amish Ameya

Deputy Director-Industry Integration Cell
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Dr. Vaishali Maheshwari

Deputy Director-Industry Integration Cell
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Dr. Vikas Singh Bhadoria

Deputy Training & Placement Officer

SVSU Training, Placement Cell

To empower our students to achieve their career aspirations by fostering industry partnerships, enhancing employability through comprehensive training, and facilitating meaningful placement opportunities. We strive to be a bridge between academia and industry, ensuring that our graduates are equipped with the skills, knowledge, and confidence needed to excel in a dynamic global workforce.

  • Enhance Employability: Provide students with comprehensive training programs that develop their technical skills, soft skills, and industry knowledge.
  • Foster Industry Connections: Build and maintain strong relationships with leading companies and organizations to create a wide range of placement opportunities for our students.
  • Career Guidance: Offer personalized career counseling and support to help students identify and pursue their career goals.
  • Promote Continuous Learning: Encourage lifelong learning and professional development through workshops, seminars, and certifications.
  • Inclusive Opportunities: Ensure equal access to placement opportunities for all students, regardless of their background or field of study.

  • Integrity: Maintain honesty, transparency, and ethical practices in all our interactions and processes.
  • Excellence: Strive for the highest standards in training, student development, and placement services.
  • Collaboration: Foster a spirit of teamwork and partnership with students, faculty, industry partners, and alumni
  • Student-Centric: Prioritize the needs and aspirations of students in all our endeavors, ensuring their growth and success are at the heart of our mission

To support the students in the development of soft skills and communication abilities for upgradation in their career path in various ,state of art courses, relevant to their skill sets Awareness in identifying careers and different required competencies. To identify and provide the much needed life skills to students and help them find jobs.

  • Career Counseling: Personalized guidance to help students identify their career interests, strengths, and opportunities.
  • Industry-Specific Training: Tailored workshops and courses that focus on the skills and knowledge required in specific industries.
  • Soft Skills Development: Programs to enhance communication, leadership, teamwork, and other essential soft skills.
  • On-Campus Recruitment Drives: Organize recruitment events where companies visit the campus to interview and hire students.
  • Workshops and Seminars: Regular sessions with industry experts on the latest trends and technologies.
  • Placement Support: Continuous support and resources for students throughout the job placement process.
  • Certification Programs: Offer certifications in relevant fields to enhance students’ qualifications and job readiness.
  • Mock Interviews: Practice interviews with feedback to prepare students for real-world job interviews.
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